Cultural attache' of Iraq Embassy in Tehran visited School of Mechanical Engineering

Dr. Mozafar Amjad, the esteemed cultural attache' of Iraq's embassy in Tehran visited the School of Mechanical Engineering. During this visit which was coordinated by international relations section of the school, Dr, Amjad met with Dr. Abrinia, dean of the faculty; Dr. Mokmeli, Associate Dean for International Relationsof College of Engineering and some of the officials of the school, Dr. Abrinia gave a brief introduction of School of Mechanical Engineering and hoped that the meeting initiates more scientific anf research cooperation between the school and Iraqi universities. Dr. Amjad also thanked the school officials for coordinating the meeting and said that as cultural attache he will do his best to expand relations between School of Mechanical Engineering and universities of Iraq. in this meeting various issues were discussed including: Student and academic staff exchange, holding common scientific events, doing research experiments for Iraq industries,...
After the meeting the delegation visited some of the selected laboratories and workshops of the school.
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